Struggling in college

Q: I am a first year pharmacy student, but since the time I have gotten admission into this college, I have been struggling with my grades. I managed to pass my first semester with C's by a hard struggle but this semester I do not know what is wrong. I study very hard, I read duas before my exams but I do not know why my grades do not come as I expect them. Sometimes I think its someone's evil eye on me or that this is no good for me astagfirullah. Please can you help me; are there any duas any wazifas to help me? I have searched online and found many but I do not know what to do. I used to teach at the mosque little kids Quran and Islamic studies but when I got admission here I stopped because of my schedule. Could it be that I stopped because I feel like I did not wrong thing. My classes were at a timing where I could not make it to the masjid on time so I had to stop. But please let me know anything that I can do to help me get good grades. I have gotten many loans to go here because of the tuition fees so I need to do better.

A: Don't pay attention to all this. Read the Mu`awwazatain.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach)
