Trying to clear one's name

Q: I have something that has been troubling me. My husband told me he had a male call him in a private number accusing him of having an affair with this man's wife then he goes on to tell that, that man then tells that I am having something to do with him which highly got me angry which I know is a lie. I phoned a service provider enquiring if I can trace a private call so I can prove my innocence I asked my husband to take me to police station to open up a case against that private call but he refused to take me he said he will sort it out but he doesn't want to take me. Then my husband tells me that the station police told him that they can only see the area which person is calling from but not the actual person which I believe is a lie because all sim cards are registered. Customer care told they can trace a private call but my husband is adamant that it can't be done and private call is only coming when he is not at home. So I don't know if my husband is trying to defame me or trying to accuse me of something and it is really disturbing me a lot and causing discomfort. Please advise me I don't want to leave any stones unturned I want to get to the bottom of the truth.

A: May Allah Ta`ala help you. This is a clear sign of chastity and purity. May Allah Ta`ala restore your honour, respect and dignity. I feel that you have tried to clear your name. Now assign it to Allah Ta`ala, cry to Him and Allah Ta`ala will grant you honour and security.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach)