Published 8 years ago
Last updated 8 years ago
Q: I did wudu by washing all parts including my feet. I prayed zuhr prayer and then wore my socks again along with my shoes, to join my office. Till Asr, I had my wudhu from Duhr, I just took off my shoes and socks and tried to perform my Salah with Jamaat. But the Imam was a Saudi. He stopped me that you can not pray until you do your wadu because once you wore your socks after your zuhr prayer, your wudhu is no longer valid. Please confirm, what is correct in this regards?
A: This is incorrect. If your wudhu did not break, you could perform your Asr Salaah with the same wudhu. Just by wearing your socks, your wudhu did not break.
And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.
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