Taking back a gift

Q: My husband is paying a monthly cost for a cell phone contract that he took out for me.. The phone is mine and I am the sole user of it, although he is paying for it. Will it be permissible for him to take it away from me? Is it not my belonging?


A: If your husband gifted you the phone, then since you are the owner of the phone, it will be impermissible for him to take it back. However, if he only allowed you the use of the phone (without gifting it to you) it will be permissible for him to take it back.

If your husband is restricting you the use of the phone for some valid Shar’ee reason you should obey him.

( ويمنع الرجوع فيها ) حروف ( دمع خزقه ) يعني الموانع السبعة الآتية ... ( والزاي الزوجية وقت الهبة فلو وهب لامرأة ثم نكحها رجع ولو وهب لامرأته لا ) كعكسه (الدر المختار 5/699-704)

Answered by:

Mufti Zakaria Makada

Checked & Approved:

Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach)
