Making istilaam at the beginning and ending of every tawaaf

Q: Please assist with the following: When a person makes tawaaf in umrah, then he makes istilaam of the Hajr-e-Aswad upon completion of his tawaaf (i.e. his eighth istilaam) as well as before proceeding for Sa'ee (his ninth istilaam). However, when a person is performing nafl tawaaf (not in ihraam), will he still make the eighth istilaam, or can he complete his tawaaf by merely passing the Hajr-e-aswad?

A: It is sunnah to commence the tawaaf with istilaam and end the tawaaf with istilaam. Hence, after completing the seventh round of tawaaf, one will make istilaam for the eighth time, regardless of whether one is in the state of ihraam (i.e. one is doing the tawaaf of umrah) or one is out of the state of ihraam (i.e. one is doing a nafl tawaaf).

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.

(وكلما مر بالحجر فعل ما ذكر) من الاستلام

قوله (وكلما مر) أي في الأشواط السبعة (قوله من الاستلام) فهو سنة بين كل شوطين كما في غاية البيان. وذكر في المحيط والولوالجية : أنه في الابتداء والانتهاء سنة ، وفيما بين ذلك أدب بحر ووفق في شرح اللباب بأنه في الطرفين آكد مما بينهما قال وكذا يسن بين الطواف والسعي (شامي 2/498)

ويختم الطواف بالإستلام يعني استلام الحجر (الهداية 1/242)

جواهر الفقه 4/121

Answered by:

Mufti Zakaria Makada

Checked & Approved:

Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach)





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