Woman cutting another woman's hair after umrah
Q: Can a woman cut another woman's hair after Umrah or must it be done by a Mahram?
Q: Can a woman cut another woman's hair after Umrah or must it be done by a Mahram?
Q: If a person had a struggle to get a job, he got a job and then saved up and he had enough money to get a basic Hajj package but if he doesn’t have time off that he can request from work, would he leave his job and do Hajj or would he keep his job and intend Hajj the following year?
Q: Is it permissible for one to delay hajj due to the outbreak of a widespread, contagious disease such as swine flu, bird flu, etc?
Q: A person upon whom hajj has become compulsory delayed in performing his hajj until he had fallen ill due to a heart ailment. Will it be permissible for such a person to delay going for hajj due to his condition?
Q: Will it be correct for a person who suffers with a weak immune system or continuous influenza (flu or cold) to delay his fardh hajj due to this?
Q: Is it permissible for a mother to postpone her fardh hajj due to taking care of her breastfeeding child?
Q: I’m a male and suffer from male pattern baldness. As a result I’m wearing a wig to only cover the top part of my head, the rest of my hair is my own.
1. Am I allowed to wear the wig while I perform Umrah?
2. If not, and I continue wearing it do I have to pay dumm?
3. How much is the dumm and what do I need to do?
Q: I am traveling to Musjid Al Aqsa and intend to make niyyat and wear ihraam from there to perform my umrah.
Can I vape while in Ihraam due to the lengthy time as it will be about 20 hours?
Q: I am a woman who has always performed Umrah wearing a hat and covering my face. Recently, when I was about to perform Umrah, my sister-in-law insisted that I could wear my niqab directly without the hat, as I would only be wearing it for a few hours, and damm would not be waajib upon me. However, I disagreed with her because I felt that this would compromise the essence of Umrah.
I believe wearing the niqaab in such a manner involves intentional contact of cloth with the face, which contradicts the principles of ihraam. The allowance for unintentional contact exists, but wearing the niqaab directly seems to me like a deliberate act, done only to avoid the inconvenience of using a hat.
Please clarify my doubt:
1. Can I intentionally wear the niqaab directly without a hat and perform Umrah?
2. Can I wear gloves during Umrah as many Saudi women point out during Umrah that it's haraam?
Q: Can a hernia patient wear underwear in ihraam?