How many children should a couple have?

Q: How many children should a couple have nowadays? Someone argues that two children are more than enough because of the problems and fitnahs today and that if you look at the Akaabireen they did not have many children. So what about the hadeeth that says something to the effect “To have many children and increase the ummat”.

A: When you put all the ahaadeeth together, what it teaches us is to have children and to take care of them and to nurture them correctly. Many a times it is the negligence of the parents which results in the children straying away. We have gone into a modern life in which we want an overload of comfort and luxuries, hence, we cannot take on any additional load. Therefore, we say just two children. Move away from this laziness and this self centred nature.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach)