Difference between predictions based on the movement of clouds and predictions based on the movement of planets

Q: What is the difference between making a prediction based on the movement of the clouds versus a prediction based on the movement of planets?

For example, the weather man will analyze the clouds and their movements. He will say that there will be severe flooding in a certain area. People will understand that severe flooding in that area causes mudslides and damage to houses and death. Everyone accepts this upcoming natural disaster warning and it is not regarded as fortune telling or haraam.

On the other hand, the man acquainted with the planets will analyze their movements. He will say that, for example, the planet Venus is coming closer in orbit and the cold nature of Venus will have a cold effect in a certain area. He too will predict flooding or severe weather in a region. He too will conclude mudslides and damage and death. However, people will regard his analysis as fortune telling and haraam.

Whereas outwardly both parties analyzed natural phenomena of natural entities and made conclusions based on their experience and study. There is no invoking of devils or making an offering or doing a ritual with blood and najaasat.

Why is one permissible and the other astrology and haraam? Please can this be explained.

A: If these things are conclusive and categorical, for example the movement of the sun, that you will say that at this time will be sunset and with the movement of the moon, you will say that this is the third moon then we do not see a reason for doubting this if it is plain and clear.

The movements of the clouds etc. in our understanding are not categorical, they are assumptions based on experience as it is evident from the weather forecast. Things could happen as they predict, but they don't have to. Hence, to regard something that is inconclusive to be conclusive in itself is incorrect.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach)