Husband taking a Christian as a second wife and ill-treating the first wife


1. My husband married a Christiam girl who didn't convert to Islam. Is the nikaah valid?

2. He stays 1 night only with us and its affecting my children now. Is this permissible? He treats me, as a first wife, very badly. He talks rudely to me and is always angry with me. His 2nd family is always treated well.


1. Our ulama have strongly discouraged the marriage of Christian women especially in non Muslim lands. The obvious reason is that in a non Muslim land the father does not have control over his wife nor over his child. Any spouse will want the relationship to be lasting, and in order for the relationship to be harmonious and lasting, it requires that both should be complimenting and happy with each other. And this will result in one spouse compromising his deeni values, respect and showing consideration to the other. And this is a point of departure from Islam. Allah Ta`ala forbid.

2. Obviously this is not right.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach)