Listening to English Islamic nasheeds


1. Are English Islamic nasheeds permissible?

2. If there are no musical instruments used but rather the "mouth" is used to imitate the musical instruments. Is this permissible?


1. If any of the following elements are found then it will not be permissible:

a. The song (nasheed) is rendered only for entertainment whether for oneself or for others.
b. It is accompanied by musical instruments like flutes and drums.
c. The song creates such a level of heedlessness that it leads to the abandoning of one’s shar`ee duties or causes one to get involved in haraam.
d. The person singing is such that one cannot listen to e.g. a female or amrad (young boy with girlish features) singing to a male audience.
e. The person singing has made this his profession.

2. Imitating musical instruments is also impermissible.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach)