Published 8 months ago
Last updated 8 months ago
Q: Will men get the same reward as performing salaah in the Haram if they perform salaah in the hotel jamat khana following the imam through the speaker?
A: If there is a proper continuation of the saffs from the musjid till the hotel jamaat khaana where the salaah is being performed and the jamaat khaana of the hotel is directly above the saffs where the salaah is being performed on the ground, the salaah will be valid.
However, if the saffs are not continuing from the haram till the hotel jamaat khaana, or the saffs continue but the jamaat khaana is not directly above the saffs i.e. there is a big gap in between, then the salaah will not be valid.
And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.
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