Guidelines for a husband in advising his family and giving them deeni direction

Q: How does one bring about shariat law in him and his family?

The wife is working and does not want to wear purdah. All her belief systems are being influenced by shaytaan.

What method and according to Islamic teachings can one use to bring love for Deen upon his spouse and children?

A: In these times of fitnah, where sin is prevalent everywhere, it is vital for one to be concerned about one's Deen and the Deen of his wife and children. The husband should adhere to the following guidelines in advising his family and giving them deeni direction:

1. From time to time, he should advise his family with love and affection towards upholding the commands of Allah Ta'ala and leading a life conforming to the sunnah.

2. He should conduct daily ta'leem with his family by reading the Fazaa'il Kitaabs (e.g. Fazaa'ile A'maal, Fazaa'ile Sadaqaat) and the kitaabs of our senior, pious Ulama (e.g. Behishti Zewar, Seeratul Mustafa, etc.) After making ta'leem, the family should engage in collective dua for themselves and for the ummah.

3. He should ensure that the home environment is conducive to deen, and there is nothing haraam that is in his home e.g. the TV, music, pictures of animate objects, misuse of the internet, etc.

4. He should ensure that the places which he and his family frequent and the people with whom they associate are conducive to the deeni values and principles of Islam. They should avoid going to places where the laws of Shari'ah are violated and people are not concerned about Deen.

5. He should advise his family to be punctual on Salaah and observe strict purdah with all non-mahrams.

Apart from this, he should keep ta'alluq with a pious shaikh living near him and seek guidance from him in regard to how he should manage his affairs and the affairs of his family.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Zakaria Makada

Checked & Approved:

Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach)