Watching movies

Q: A lot of series and movies contain characters that use expressions like 'holy cow' or 'holy shi*'. I know that watching such movies or series is not beneficial and has to be avoided. Assumed that one watches such series in which actors say 'holy shi*' as an expression of astonishment, does it entail kufr for the one that watches it (and dislikes it in his heart)?

A: It is not permissible for one to watch movies as they contain many things that contravene the laws of Shariah e.g. pictures of animate objects, music, males looking at pictures of non mahram females, vice versa, nudity, obscenity, viewing acts of shirk and kufr like in the movies you are referring to. When these movies contain a conglomeration of sins and evils, then it does not behove a believer to risk his deen and imaan by getting involved in such shameful and sinful deeds. 

The Fuqaha have stated that if one is pleased with shirk and kufr, then one comes out of the fold of Islam. Therefore, if one disgusts the sin, then though one will not become a kaafir, but this act of continuing to watch these movies and wrongs brings one close to the borders of kufr. One should make sincere taubah and recite the kalimah in abundance and make a firm resolve that one will not get involved in these sins in the future.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Zakaria Makada

Checked & Approved:

Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach)