Husband burdening his wife to work and to take care of her own needs

Q: If husband does not provide you with expenses regarding shopping and other medical needs and basic daily needs and said you have your own job you can fulfill your expenses then what does Islam say? 

In contrast, he fixed an amount for his parents but not for his wife, so what does Islam suggest?

A: It is not right and is against the Islamic teachings for the husband to burden his wife to work and to take care of her own needs and requirements. Earning and providing for one's family is the obligation of the husband. 

When the husband benefits from the wife (e.g. cooking, baking, seeing to the home and the children, etc.) then it is only right for the husband to fulfil the needs and necessities of his wife and keep her happy. 

The Western culture teaches that both the husband and wife should generate an income and see to the running expenses of the home. Hence, the wife, apart from her fulfilling her own role as a wife, is burdened to take on the responsibility of the husband and take care of herself and some of the running expenses of the home. Islam is totally against such injustice and oppression. 

Just as your husband is taking care of his parents, he should understand that Allah Ta'ala has placed an obligation upon him to take care of his wife and children and fulfil their needs and requirements.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Zakaria Makada

Checked & Approved:

Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach)