"Muslim" lesbian nikaah

Q: "Over the past weekend in Cape Town, a so-called 'Muslim' Lesbian couple made 'Nikaah'. A few queries: 

Islamically, what is the status of these girls? Is it correct to say they have committed Kufr and are out of the fold of Islam? 

Do the families of these girls excommunicate them or how must they be dealt with? 

If the parent/s of these girls condone this 'marriage', attended it and approved, what is the status of their Imaan? Have they also committed Kufr and left Islam? Does the family and society have to excommunicate them for this? 

Someone says, 'only Allah can judge', 'make Dua for them and they may return to Islam', 'we can't be harsh on them otherwise they may never listen', are these statements correct? 

Could Hazrat proffer Naseehat on this matter?

A: Obviously. To regard a haraam to be halaal is an act of disbelief. 

It is permissible for them to stop their communication. 

To condone and support or encourage a haraam has the same effect as being pleased with haraam. And being pleased or justifying a haraam is kufr. 

Where one needs to be firm and harsh, he should be firm and harsh. Just as when a worker or a child is causing a disturbance in the workplace or learning area, the teacher or boss is going to be firm and harsh. 

If the teacher or boss is not going to be harsh, it is going to affect the rest of the learners and staff; the entire business is going to suffer. 

Rasulullah (sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) was sent as a mercy and an embodiment of compassion. When he came across this kind of person, he instructed that he be expelled from Madinah Munawwarah. 

Those who are talking of being kind, they cannot be more compassionate than Nabi (sallallahu alaihi wa sallam), nor can they understand deen and life better than him. 

If they are speaking of going on this line then that means that they are claiming to be more compassionate than Nabi (sallallahu alaihi wa sallam). Isn't this absolute foolishness and stupidity.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach)