
"Muslim" lesbian nikaah

Q: "Over the past weekend in Cape Town, a so-called 'Muslim' Lesbian couple made 'Nikaah'. A few queries: 

Islamically, what is the status of these girls? Is it correct to say they have committed Kufr and are out of the fold of Islam? 

Do the families of these girls excommunicate them or how must they be dealt with? 

If the parent/s of these girls condone this 'marriage', attended it and approved, what is the status of their Imaan? Have they also committed Kufr and left Islam? Does the family and society have to excommunicate them for this? 

Someone says, 'only Allah can judge', 'make Dua for them and they may return to Islam', 'we can't be harsh on them otherwise they may never listen', are these statements correct? 

Could Hazrat proffer Naseehat on this matter?

Girl attracted to the same gender

Q: If a girl has been behaving like a boy naturally since birth, she has a strong fear of Allah and a desire to walk according to Islam. She tried to correct herself and did everything that girls do, but it didn't make any difference and she is still attracted to girls. All of this is natural for her. She has now decided to seek medical help and undergo hormone therapy because she is not getting better despite waiting and trying. She has a strong hatred for LGBTQ. She also visited a doctor and the doctor said to them, do a harmons therapy. Please give me answer what should they do?

Combatting thoughts and feelings of homosexuality

Q: I'm a 27 year old homosexual guy. My parents want me to get married but I have zero interest in girls. All my life I've never been in any kind (homo/hetro) relationship, I've never been intimate with anyone. In the last few days, due to my curiosity, I've seen many gay people living their life happily and this gave me so much pain that I can never experience the joy of true love because I know homosexuality is haraam and prohibited. If I get married to a girl, won't that be wrong for that innocent girl?

I've been battling my thoughts for the last few years and it was not easy to be untouched for 27 years in today's time where teenagers are engaged in such activities and people see you as a loser because you haven't done it yet.

I thought about suicide multiple times but that's also a major sin and also I have responsibilities towards my family as I'm the elder child and my big brother is already a rebel and my parents still haven't got over him. I can't give them another shock by saying anything.

I'm getting mentally unstable and can't see my future self living my life for me. Its hard to control the needs/urges of the body now. Every time I think about all this I get this deep pain and sorrow in my heart and tears in my eyes. I have no one to talk to about it personally. I do not want to commit either of the sins, neither can I be normal nor can I end my life. For Allah's sake, please please help me to get out of this.