Suspending the Talaaq

Conditional divorce

Q: If somebody says to his wife "if you do this work, you will be talaq, talaq and talaq on me" and ofter some time her husband wants to give her permission to do the work which he forbade her from. In this case, will talaq apply or not?

Will a conditional divorce remain after halaala?

Q:If a person gives his wife talaq-e-baain by saying I don't want to live with you get out from my house, and his intentions are also divorce. Now, his wife is no more in his nikah but he did not accept that that kind of talaq will happen and others also do not accept it. His wife tried not to go near him then he went out of the country for earning purposes and he said to his wife, if I will not send you 25000 every month then it means I divorce you. He did not send his wife the money and again divorced her.

His wife married some other person after iddat and he also divorced her after her iddat then she married her first husband again because of his child and her first husband also asked her for apologies.

Kindly tell me that that condition which her first husband said to her that if I will not send you 25000 than you are divorced (please remember that her husband said these words after talaq-e-baain and before divorce words or you can say between talaq-e-baain and talaq-e-raji) is this condition the same for her after halaala or now she is free from this condition?

Conditional divorce

Q: My sister' husband conditionally says to my sister that if you do this, divorce will occur. This has happened 3 times. It is 2nd marriage of her husband and my sister lives alone and has to go out for groceries, etc. So she could not fulfill the conditions. Please tell if divorce has taken place or not?

Will a conditional divorce remain if couple get married after halaala?

Q: My husband gave me two divorces and after some years he gave me a third divorce. Between the second and third divorce he said to me that if you will go to my house (my house means his mother and relatives house) our divorce will happen. I never went to his house and his relatives house till the third divorce.

After iddat I married someone else and he gave me a divorce with his own will, not forcely. After iddat I married my first husband.

The condition in which he said in the previous nikah that if I went to my in laws house our divorce will happen, now is it permissible for me to go to my in laws house or not because now its a new nikah after halaala? 

Conditional divorce in a letter

Q: Some months ago my wife got angry due to some family issues and went to her parents’ home but did not come back. I tried to bring her back but she didn't come. One day I sent her a letter that If you want to come then welcome a thousand times from my side otherwise consider this letter a divorce from my side. (I mentioned Talaaq, Talaaq Talaaq in letter). Decision is in your hands. Now I want to know whether divorce has happened after she got my letter or not?

Conditional divorce

Q: I want to ask about conditional divorce. My wife and I had many fights for the reason that she used to check my phone and usually fighting with me for many issues, e.g. my contact list messeges from my students, etc. I was sick and tired of these fights because it had been a routine and I was highly stressed because of these querrels.

This Ramadhaan I slept after offering my Fajar prayers and at about 9 am when I was about to wake up, I noticed my wife investigating my phone again. I was in extreme anger and I said to her "Next time if you touch my phone, consider it a talaaq" "اب اگر تم نے میرا فون چھوا تو میری طرف سے طلاق سمجھنا" I wanted to stop her from invetigating my phone and not the normal usage. Afterwards I handed over my phone to her myself for several reasons like receiving and making calls and she never did the investigation on my phone again.

I want to seek your guidance about the conditional divorce in Islam, as on my reserch from internet and direct question from one of the Mufti Saheb I received diversed answers. Mufti Saheb told me that there is no conditional talaaq in Islam and you have to pay kaffara for this statement. At the same time he refers that even a direct divorce in extreme anger is not considered a divorce.

Suspended talaaq

Q: I had a fight with my wife and in anger, I told her that if you will do this work again you will be divorced on me.

My question is that if she does that work, will the divorce take place?