Published 4 months ago
Last updated 4 months ago
Q: Can children play ball in the masjid and what is the proof of it?
A: It is not permissible to play ball (or any type of sports or amusements) in the musjid or anywhere around the musjid, as this violates the sanctity and honour of the musjid.
The musjid is among the Sha'aair (salient symbols) of Deen, and we are commanded in the Qur'aan and Hadith to show great honour and respect to the Sha'aair of Deen. Allah Ta'ala says, "Those who uphold the sanctity of the salient symbols of Allah Ta'ala (e.g. the musjid, the Qur'aan, the Ka'bah, etc.) then this is a sign of the piety of the heart." (Surah Hajj: 32)
And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.
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