Is making the masjid dirty and najis an act of kufr?
Q: Is making the masjid dirty and najis an act of kufr even if the person doing it has imaan in his heart, and loves Allah, the masjid and Islam?
Q: Is making the masjid dirty and najis an act of kufr even if the person doing it has imaan in his heart, and loves Allah, the masjid and Islam?
Q: Prophet Muhammad (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) recommended to recite the dua before entering a masjid. Today many mosques contain areas such as wudu-area and toilet area. Where do we read the dua? Is it on passing the first door of the masjid or on entering the proper prayer area after wudu?
Q: Can children play ball in the masjid and what is the proof of it?
Q: Is using the Masjid as a pathway from one side to the other haraam or makrooh e tahreemi or makrooh e tanzihi?
Q: Recently there has been a trend of using monitors in masjids to show presentations and sometimes even videos. Even without videos or pictures isn’t this something very disliked?
Q: What is the ruling in keeping a cat in the Masjid building and it living there? But it won't be kept in the actual Masjid?
Q: Can a child who is still in his nappies be brought to the masjid? A toddler around the age of 2-3 years in age.
Q: Please comment on the practice of erecting flat screen TVs in the Musjid for the purpose of displaying salaah times and notices. The 'Ulama always told us that selling TVs are haraam, but now it seems acceptable to buy TVs for use in the Musjid.
Q: Is it a sunnah practice to burn incense in the musjid or the home on a Friday?
Q: If I am in a state of janaabat and I say bismillah before entering the masjid, is it kufr because I said bismillah before doing something haram (entering the masjid in the state of janaabat)?