Q: The imaan was reading Surah Sajdah. He got stuck repeatedly and paused for more then 3 subhanAllahs. Does salaah need to be repeated because he didn't make sijdah sahw?
He got stuck like this before. He seems to be ignorant of the masla.
He also stands with his legs far apart like a ghair muqalid. What should be done in this situation? How should he be corrected?
A: The salaah was valid. However, if he remained silent for more than three subhanallahs, then sajdah sahw was supposed to be made at the end of the salaah. If he did not make sajdah sahw, then the salaah was supposed to be repeated as long as the salaah time remained.
Once the salaah time elapsed, repeating the salaah no longer remains compulsory.
Standing in this manner is against the sunnah. The trustees of the musjid should appoint such a person as the imaam who performs salaah according to the sunnah and is acquainted with the masaail of salaah.
And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.
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