Picturing that one is standing in front of the Roza-Mubarak when reciting Durood Shareef in Salaah
Q: Is it permissible to picture that one is standing in front of the Roza-Mubarak when reciting Durood Shareef in Salaah?
Q: Is it permissible to picture that one is standing in front of the Roza-Mubarak when reciting Durood Shareef in Salaah?
Q: Can a person add Sayyiduna when reciting Durood Ebrahim in Salaah?
Q: After leading a congregation in Fard salah, some Imams choose to do zikr after turning and facing the congregation directly or turn and sit at an angle facing the congregation. Is this based on a sunnah?
Q: The imaan was reading Surah Sajdah. He got stuck repeatedly and paused for more then 3 subhanAllahs. Does salaah need to be repeated because he didn't make sijdah sahw?
He got stuck like this before. He seems to be ignorant of the masla.
He also stands with his legs far apart like a ghair muqalid. What should be done in this situation? How should he be corrected?
Q: I want to know if a head gear such as a cap or a cloth covers some or most part of the forehead during sajdah position, would the sajdah be valid?
Similarly, if the sleeves come between floor and the palm thereby covering some part of the hand during the sajdah, would the sajdah be valid?
Q: I am 72 years old and I have a problem with concentrating in namaaz. I know it is not permissible to read namaaz with your eyes closed but at the moment I concentrate better with my eyes closed. Please advise me how to overcome this problem.
Q: If a person repeats an aayat of Surah Faatiha to correct a small tajweed mistake, will he have to make sajdah sahw if done forgetfully?
Q: After your fardh salaah with jamaat, is it better for the Imaam to make dua loudly or softly and what's the best duas to read?
Q: What are the best duas to read in qaumah and jalsah?
Q: After reciting Surah Ikhlaas in salaah, I mistakenly said sadaqallahul azeem. Is my salaah valid or is there sajdah sahw?