1. If a customer was to order something that the business didn't own (it wasn't in stock) and rather than paying full price on it, they agreed to put a deposit down and pay full price after the product was delivered to their house and it was fitted into their house (fitting is a separate service and a customer can order a product and request fitting it into their house or they can order a product with the fitting service together).
Would the income be halal for this? The product will be delivered to the shop first and then the business will send the product to the customers house and fit it.
2. If you tell a customer that the product isn't in stock and they have to order it in and if they do, they don’t have to pay full price, rather just a deposit and then when the product is delivered to their house or ready to collect from the businesses store, they can pay full price after that, is the income halal?
A: 1 & 2. The customer should mention to the company that he is placing an order and that he will only conclude the sale at the time when the product is delivered to him.
And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.
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