Husband spending time with his friends till late and neglecting his wife's rights

Q: I would like to know as a wife, whether it is a right of mine that my husband spends some quality time with me after work and Esha or is it just me being demanding and ungrateful which is how my husband sees it. Most nights he is at his friend's houses till 11 or 12 and then comes home when I'm already asleep after I've been waiting for him for hours. 

Anytime I bring up an issue, he tells me the hadeeth about the women being the greatest inhabitants of jahannam due to their ungratefulness and keeps saying it's in my nature as a woman. I need to know whether I am just being that type of woman and I just need to be fine with not seeing my husband and just be content that he sleeps next to me at night when he does come home.

A: This is part of your marital rights which your husband owes you. It is totally wrong for your husband to be giving family time to his friends and remaining with them until late hours of the night. 

This type of irresponsible behaviour generally leads to many problems coming about in the nikaah. 

It is important for your husband to associate with some pious Shaikh or Aalim (who adheres to the Sunnah in all facets of his life) and seek Islamic guidance from him in regard to how he should fulfil his marital obligations and responsibilities.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Zakaria Makada

Checked & Approved:

Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach)