1. Is spending the night with the husband the right of wife? Can the mother of the husband interfere with that and make the husband sleep with his parents just because she is the mother?
2. Does the husband need his mother's permission to take his wife out on some outing?
1. If his parents are not in need of his khidmat, but will just feel happy if he spends the night with them, then if his wife will not mind that he spends the night with his parents, and she is not alone at home (but there is some mahram e.g. her father, brother, son, etc. to take his place and spend the night at his home), then he may spend the night with his parents.
However, if his wife will feel neglected by him leaving her, or she will feel insecure as there is no male mahram in the home, then he should spend the night with his wife and explain to his parents the situation. Alternately, he may take his wife with him and spend the night with her in his parents' home.
2. No, he does not need his mother's permission for this.
And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.
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