Q: I am a working woman and married. Both me and my husband are working in respectable jobs. I handle my own personal expenses from day one of marriage and have never asked for pocket money from my husband.
I have two children aged 1 year and 1 month. My husband refuses to help in the my children's financial needs. Both of them are on formula milk and their combined expenditure is around 80000 which I am solely bearing along with my own expenses.
My husband's income is more than me. He refuses to contribute even half. Alhamdulillah, I am managing but my question is what are the rights of such a husband/father over his wife and children if he refuses to contribute even 50 percent financially if he has more than enough money. What are the faraiz and instructions for the mother/wife in such a case who despite being married is living like a single mother?
A: The husband is supposed to bear the responsibility of earning and take care of the needs of his wife and children. It is totally wrong for your husband to make you work and make you pay for your own expenses.
Similarly, it is the sole responsibility of the husband to take care of his children and pay for their expenses.
For your husband to be burdening you with his responsibility and forcing you to pay for the children's expenses ( despite him having the financial means to pay for this ) is extortion and oppression.
And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.
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