Q: I would like to ask if it is permissible to watch dramas like Yunus Emre or Kurlus Osman or any other Turkish dramas which are not inappropriate. What about animated movies which have romance and time travel isekai which means to go into a book or another body being alive again and stuff like that.
I won't believe anything like that. It is just for fun and all this during the time when I have menses or any other free time. If not, are there any other halal ways of entertainment other then spending time with family?
A: Any drama, whether Turkish or western is not something that Islam condones; it is condemned. It does not mean that since it has some Muslim connotation that it becomes legal. These are all kuffaar styles, and Muslims must be very wary of it. Many times there are subtle messages of disbelief etc. that are not perceived by people in general.
And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.
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