Published 1 month ago
Last updated 1 month ago
Q: If a woman has the means to go for her fardh hajj but is not married, can she ask one of her male mahram relatives (e.g. uncle, nephew) to accompany her on the journey?
A: It is permissible for her to go for hajj accompanied by her male mahram. However, it should be borne in mind that the male mahram relative should be a person regarding whom there is no fear of fitnah. If there is fear of fitnah through traveling with him, it will not be permissible for her to undertake the journey of hajj with him.
And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.
ويشترط أن يكون المحرم أو الزوج مأمونا عاقلا بالغا غير فاسق ماجن لا يبالي (غنية الناسك صـ 26)
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