Those people upon whom Hajj is compulsory

Hajj for a person in debt

Q: I have question regarding Hajj. I have taken a loan from my father in 2018 of $65,000 for home purchase in order to avoid interest bearing transactions. Terms we decided were that I will pay when I have the ability to pay back and Alhamdulilah I have been paying back on a monthly basis and have reduced the remaining amount to $19000.

I have $70000 in 401K, cash balance around $8000. I own 50% of the house with my brother and a car (resale approx $5000 value).

My question here, is Hajj Fard on me right now?

If I decide to save for Hajj right now if Allah wills then it might be possible to save enough for Hajj (it might be possible that I may not be able to save enough or visa/qouta issue). But my loan from my dad will be still $19000. What should be my priority to first complete? If Hajj is not fard then can I go for Umrah?

Performing fardh hajj or sending one's parents for umrah

Q: My husband and I wanted to do hajj in 2022. We have been waiting for this for three years.

When he was first time eligible for hajj, he sent his parents for hajj to get the reward and to give them a chance first. Due to the pandemic we were not able to go, now we want to go but his parents want him to send them for umrah.

What should we do now, give preference to his parents nafil umrah or to our mandatory hajj? 

Taking a debt on one's credit card to pay for one's parent's hajj expenses

Q: My husband's parents names were selected for Hajj this year. However, they have a shortfall of a lot of money. One-third of it. My father-in-law also has a credit card with money owing on it. However, he is not concerned about clearing his debt before going. Furthermore, he asked my husband if he can help him with the balance of the money, which my husband said he would take on his credit card. I am not in favour of this decision as it is a lot of money and we actually cannot afford to pay it every month but he is insistent. We have a family of our own and expenses every month, furthermore, my father-in-law has no sense of remorse that he is going to put his son into debt. Is this fair? Is this allowed?