Hajj for the wife of a wealthy man

Q: If a husband has already performed his fardh hajj, is it compulsory upon him to take his wife to perform her hajj if she does not have the means for hajj? If he takes her for hajj, will her fardh hajj be fulfilled? 

A: If the wife does not have the means to go for hajj then hajj is not fardh upon her. Similarly, it is not the husband’s obligation to take her for hajj. 

However, if he has the means and takes her to perform her hajj, then her fardh hajj will be valid and he will be greatly rewarded.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.

(وأما الفقير) أي الحقيقي وهو من ليس له مال (ومن بمعناه) أي كمن له مال لكنه مستغرق بالديون أو بحقوق المسلمين كالظلمة من الأمراء والسلاطين (إذا حج سقط عنه الفرض إن نواه) أي الفرض في إحرام حجه (أو أطلق النية) أي وإن لم يقيد بكونه نفلا أو نذرا (حتى لو استغنى) أي صار غنيا بحصول المال من الوجه الحلال (بعد ذلك) أي بعد أدائه الحج بغير استطاعة (لا يجب عليه ثانيا) أي في المآل (المسلك المتقسط للملا علي القاري صــ 88)


Answered by:

Mufti Zakaria Makada

Checked & Approved:

Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach)