Published 1 week ago
Last updated 1 week ago
Q: Is it permissible for a mother to postpone her fardh hajj due to taking care of her breastfeeding child?
A: Yes, it is permissible for her to postpone her hajj on account of the child. However, if some of the family members (e.g. her mother or sister) who can take good care of the child are prepared to look after the child in her absence, then it will be permissible for her to leave the child behind and go for her fardh hajj. She may wean the child (by putting the child onto bottle milk) before she leaves.
And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.
والولد الصغير المحتاج إليه عذر في التخلف مريضا كان أو لم يكن (غنية الناسك صـ 12)
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