Published 1 month ago
Last updated 1 month ago
Q: Is it permissible for one to delay hajj due to the outbreak of a widespread, contagious disease such as swine flu, bird flu, etc?
A: : It is not permissible for people who are not ill and upon whom hajj is compulsory to delay performing hajj for these reasons. Rather, they should take the necessary medications with them. Delaying the fardh hajj for these reasons is not permissible.
And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.
يمشي قليلا فيضيق نفسه فيحتاج إلى الاستراحة ثم يمشي قليلا فلا يقدر إلا بعد الاستراحة هكذا وله زاد وراحلة لا يجوز له تأخير الحج وكذا اذا كان يضره الهواء البارد وينجمد بلغمه ويضيق نفسه (غنية الناسك صـ 12)
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