Going to universities and colleges

Islamic view on women's education

Q: I would like to know all these restrictions that Taliban in Afghanistan are putting upon women prohibiting them to seek education and employment and curbing them to even speak in public, why are they doing this? 

Is there any basis in shariah law that prevents Muslim women to seek education and work even in a segregated setting where there is no free mixing with non mahram men?

Advising a girl not to go to university

Q: There is a cousin of mine that has completed her matric and plans on starting university... I spoke to her about the importance of studying Deen and that a woman's place is not out in the public... She says that she made istikhara and shes very sure that madressa isn't for her at this stage of her life...

She is a very stubborn person by nature and is dead set on going to university, I don't know what else to tell her.

Can Mufti Saheb please advise me on how to go about this... Should I just leave it or should I continue speaking to her (I feel like I'm pestering her)?

Studying in school, college or university with non-mahrams


1. Is it permissible for a man to study in a school, college, or university where he is studying alongside a non mahram woman. And is it permissible for a man to teach a non mahram woman and is it permissible for a woman to learn from a non mahram man.

2. Is it permissible for a woman to study in a school, college, or university where she is studying alongside a non mahram man. And is it permissible for a woman to teach a non mahram man and is it permissible for a man to learn from a non mahram woman.

Intermingling attending colleges, universities and high schools

Q: A certain Aalim said that the intermingling which occurs in public transport and in shopping centres is in the same category as the intermingling which occurs in a high school and university. He said that the Deen allows this level of intermingling as a concession for necessities.

Please comment on this. Is it correct to say that the principles which permit purchasing necessities at a mix gendered shopping mall are in the same category of pursuing secular education at high schools and university?

If Zaid intermingles whilst on public transport to his halaal business everyday, what is the difference with Umar who also intermingles at high school or university everyday? Zaid is pursuing his Rizq directly whilst Umar is learning the skills in order to pursue his Rizq. Are both in the same category? Please may this be explained.

Female studying alone in a foreign country

Q: I am from India but currently I am pursuing M.B.B.S in Dhaka where I live alone (without my family) in the girls hostel. This is my final year of M.B.B.S.

When I came to Dhaka I had no concept of deen, purdah , etc. and I was completely unaware about the fact that according to our Shari'ah, a girl is not supposed to stay so far without her mahram. Also I came across the fact that all my ibadat; be that namaaz, roza, duaa, any good deed , etc. is not valid while I stay in such conditions without any mahram. I am in need of advice, what should I do?

Girls going to universities

Q: I would like to clarify Mufti Sahebs opinion on girls attending universities and going a step further and encouraging them to do so. The reason why we are asking is because of Ml Ebrahim Bham of the Jamiatul Ulama who promotes this in public gatherings and Ulama groups as recent (as the day before yesterday).

Many Ulama and students of Deen are confused in this matter and other matters as they say Ml refers his matters to Hazrat Mufti Saheb and visits the madrasah occasionally.