Published 1 month ago
Last updated 1 month ago
Q: Where do men sit in I’tikaaf, and is it permissible for them to leave their place of I’tikaaf?
A: Men will perform I’tikaaf in the musjid. During I’tikaaf, men are only permitted to leave the musjid to fulfil a Shar’ee need (e.g. to call out the azaan out of the musjid, perform fardh wudhu or fardh ghusl), or to fulfil a tab’ee need (i.e. a natural need e.g. to relieve oneself, or to acquire food in the case where there is no one to bring the food to the musjid). If one leaves the musjid for any other purpose, one’s I’tikaaf will break.
And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.
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