How to Spend One’s Time in I’tikaaf
Q: When a person is in I’tikaaf, how should he spend his time?
Q: When a person is in I’tikaaf, how should he spend his time?
Q: When is Sunnah I’tikaaf performed?
Q: A person has wudhu and wants to go make a fresh wudhu during sunnah itikaaf. Is it permitted?
Q: If a person wants to sit sunnah itikaaf but the person's company requires him to work for about 4 hours per day remotely for a few days of the itikaaf. Will the person be allowed to work off their laptop?
Q: If a shafi'ee performs i'tikaaf in the last 10 days of Ramadhaan and breaks it with or without an excuse... will that day/days have to be made Qadha of outside the month of Ramadan?
Q: Please advise if it is permissible for a person to come out of the musjid to give the azaan whilst he is in sunnat i'tikaaf.
Q: I would like to have some clarity regarding the issue of having a shower while in sunnat itikaaf. According to some Ulama, the only time one could have a ghusl, not a shower, is if one had a wet dream in the musjid and is forced to make ghusal.
The permissibility of allowing people to have have showers with no valid reason has started very recently over the last few years and was never heard of in the past unless compulsion of ghusal.
Q: Can a person fulfill an itikaaf of a vow/pledge during Ramadhaan?
Q: A brother made intention to spend the last 10 days of Ramadhaan for i'tikāf. On the second day, due to a person passing away in his family (non-Muslim) his dad wanted him to leave his i'tikāf because he (his dad) had to go to the deceased's home and it would take a few days for him to return. So his dad wanted him to break his i'tikaf to look after his home and animals (pets). The brother had no choice but to break his i'tikaf on the second day.
1. How does he have to do qadhaa of his i'tikaf?
2. He intends to do qadhaa of his i'tikaf this Ramadhaan Insha Allah so will the fast in Ramadhaan suffice for him to keep his i'tikaf or does he have to keep fast outside of Ramadhaan to make up his qadhaa.
3. How many days does he have to do qadhaa for, 1 or 10 days.