Objections against the Ahaadith of Fazaail Aamaal

Q: I am troubled by a comment someone has made to me regarding the Fazaail Aamaal. We grew up reading it, and so did this person. But now suddenly, through the influence of another person, this person says that Fazaail Aamaal is a "Tabligh kitaab" which is unreliable as it contains weak Ahaadith. 

Can you please explain to me whether Fazaail Aamaal is a reliable kitaab or not.

A: The book, Fazaail Aamaal, authored by Shaikhul Hadith Moulana Muhammad Zakariyya Kandelhwi (rahimahullah) is a famous book that needs no introduction. 

The author, Hazrat Shaikh (rahimahullah), was a great wali (saint) of his time and an expert Muhaddith (commentator of Hadith) whose works in the field of Hadith are recognized worldwide by both Arabs and non-Arabs. 

This book, Fazaail Aamaal, is a compilation which comprises of nine books (Stories of the Sahabah, Fazaail of Salaah, Fazaail of Tableegh, Fazaail of Zikr, Fazaail of the Quraan, Fazaail of Ramadaan, Fazaail of Durood, Fazaail of Sadaqaat and Fazaail of Hajj).

This kitaab has been translated into many languages and is being read in many countries. Hence, it is an undeniable fact that this kitaab has been the means of reforming the lives of thousands of people globally, as has been witnessed by countless people. This is a sign of the author's sincerity and acceptance by Allah Ta'ala. 

The great Ulama and Muhadditheen in the time of Hazrat Shaikh (rahimahullah) and even after his demise, till this day, have all attested to the reliability of this kitaab and have also benefitted greatly from it. 

Hazrat Shaikhul Hadith Moulana Muhammad Zakariyya Kandelhwi (rahimahullah), being an expert Muhaddith, understood the science of Hadith exceptionally well. Thus, he was fully aware of the status of each Hadith, and knew in which department these Ahaadith could be quoted. 

Undoubtedly, there are some weak Ahaadith in the book, but these Ahaadith meet the criteria for acceptance, and the senior ranking Muhadditheen have permitted quoting such Ahaadith in the department of Fazaail (encouragement to do good deeds). 

The great Muhadditheen (commentators of Hadith) have permitted quoting weak Ahaadith in the department of Fazaail (Ahaadith which encourage doing good deeds), and have not accepted weak Ahaadith in the department of Ahkaam (Ahaadith whose subject matter relate to proving Islamic rulings and laws). 

The statement of Imaam Ahmad bin Hambal (rahimahullah) is well known: 

When we narrate from Nabi (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) Ahaadith that relate to halaal and haraam (i.e. Ahaadith whose subject matter relate to proving Islamic rulings and laws), then we only accept Ahaadith reported through strong chains, and when we narrate Ahaadith pertaining to Fazaail, then we are lenient (and we accept weak narrations). (Sharhul Kawkabil Muneer 2/569) 

Just as accepting weak narrations in the department of Fazaail was accepted according to Imaam Ahmad (rahimahullah), this was also the mazhab (preferred view) according to the majority Muhadditheen in all eras from the time of the Taabi'een until today.

 Hence, we find that in Abu Dawood Shareef, Nasaai Shareef, Tirmizi Shareef, Targheeb wa Tarheeb of Allamah Munziri and even in Adabul Mufrad of Imaam Bukhaari, there are weak Ahaadith which are narrated and accepted by all. 

It should be borne in mind that for the acceptance of weak narrations, there are also certain conditions and criteria that need to be adhered to and which are well known by the senior ranking Muhadditheen. 

Hence, in many situations, the senior ranking Muhadditheen do not accept certain weak narrations which do not fulfil the criteria laid down by the Muhadditheen.   

Alhamdulillah, Hazrat Shaikhul Hadith Moulana Muhammad Zakariyya Kandelhwi (rahimahullah), having knowledge of all these principles of Hadith, exercised extreme caution in this regard, and only accepted those narrations that are suitable to quote.

Hence, it can be safely said that this book, Fazaail Aamaal, does not contain moudoo (fabricated) Ahaadith. 

In the past also, certain objections and criticisms were raised against this kitaab in the time of Hazrat Shaikh (rahimahullah), and Hazrat Shaikh(rahimahullah) himself responded to these objections by presenting proofs to show that such Ahaadith can be quoted.  

Similarly, after Hazrat Shaikh (rahimahullah)'s demise, great Ulama have written kitaabs against those who raised objections against Fazaail Aamaal, and these kitaabs are available today in the Arabic and Urdu languages. 

Therefore, there is no need for one to pay attention to such criticism which is being levelled against this kitaab - Fazaail Aamaal - which has gained universal acceptance in the world and which is accepted as reliable by the great Ulama and Muhadditheen of this era.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Zakaria Makada

Checked & Approved:

Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach)