Compulsory Health Insurance

Q: I live in a country where health insurance is compulsory. But the fine for not being insured would be less than the fees for being insured I think. On the other hand we wouldn't be able to pay my mothers treatment otherwise. Plus I think my wife is pregnant. And the costs that come with that also I wouldn't be able to pay without health insurance. The only alternative I can think of would be not to register her here but keep her registered in her home country and let her be treated there. But that would cause a lot of difficulty for us. What shall we do in this situation?

A: In a country where insurance is compulsory from the side of the government, one will not be sinful for taking out insurance.

إذ الضرورات تبيح المحظورات ( الدر المختار 3/532)

Contemporary fatawaa (page 188)

Q: In a previous answer regarding compulsory health insurance you told me that "in a country where insurance is compulsory from the side of the government, one will not be sinful for taking out insurance." Now can we go ahead and this compulsory health insurance and do all the examinations the doctors advise to do, e. g. various check-ups during my wives pregnancy? 
Or are we restricted to use only as much as we had paid in with our membership subscriptions which need to be paid or cases of dire necessity?


A: In a country where insurance is made compulsory from the side of the government, one will not be sinful for taking out insurance and one may use the insurance for whatever needs he has.

And Allah Ta'ala knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Zakaria Makada

Checked & Approved:

Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach)