Interest and Gambling

Franchise charging insurance to their customers

Q: We have a tyre business which is a Dunlop franchise, they have this tyre insurance for the customers. Any damage to the tyre and they send a replacement after doing their tests. They charge us R10 per tyre for this which I pass onto the customer.

I add it to the cost and then add my markup. I tried getting out of this but it’s compulsory from their side.

How should I handle this… Is it permissible?

Should I add my markup first then the R10. Because my intention is not to make money on the insurance…

Sports betting

Q: Is it acceptable to engage in sports betting?

Sports betting involves wagering money on predictions of sports outcomes, such as a player's performance or a team's victory. If the prediction is correct, the better's money can potentially be doubled or tripled. In essence, sports betting revolves around forecasting sports results and staking money on those predictions.