1. Recently, the Saudi authorities have erected tents and made a camp in Muzdalifah due to the lack of space in Mina. On the 8th, since the tents in Mina are full, some haajis are made to stay in these tents which are in Muzdalifah.
Through spending the night in these tents, will the sunnah of spending the night in Mina be fulfilled?
2. Secondly, the haajis returning from Arafat also spend the night in the same area where the tents have been erected at Muzdalifah. Will these haajis be considered as having fulfilled their wuqoof of Muzdalifah (as in reality it is actually proper Muzdalifah).
1. Though the hajj will be valid, the sunnah of remaining in Mina will not be fulfilled, as they were in Muzdalifah instead of Mina.
2. Since they are in Muzdalifah, the wuqoof of Muzdalifah will be fulfilled provided they are present in Muzdalifah at the time of wuqoof.
And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.
(وأما سننه) فطواف القدوم والرمل فيه أو في الطواف الفرض، والسعي بين الميلين الأخضرين، والبيتوتة بمنى في ليالي أيام النحر، والدفع من منى إلى عرفة بعد طلوع الشمس، ومن مزدلفة إلى منى قبلها كذا في فتح القدير. (الفتاوى الهندية ١/٢١٩)
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