Q: Kindly advise us about ihram purdah. We are leaving for umrah in one days time and really in need of naseehat as some people who are studying deen advise that the sin is great if purdah touches the face, so rather not wear. Whilst another person who frequents haram sharief says that ihraam purdah was only introduced recently by the conserved Indian ulama and yet another apaa says that wear a normal purdah and pay dum.We want to wear the ihraam purdah. What is the dum? And can we please be advised regarding purdah in Haram Sharief whilst in ihraam?
A: A woman in Ihraam should cover her face with a cap purda (which is suspended and does not touch the face) so that she is not seen by strange men. It is impermissible for a women in the state of Ihraam to cover her face with a cloth, etc. in such a manner that the cloth touches the face. For further details refer to http://muftionline.co.za/node/214
And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.
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