Lift club

Q: If you have a lift club for school going kids, with five kids that are from four families. Three of the families have one child in the lift club each and the fourth family has two children in the lift club. What would be the most fair and correct way of sharing the lift club responsibilities? Would the family that has two kids, do two rounds in every cycle (that is two weeks in every five weeks, with the other families doing one week each in every five week cycle)? Or would each family do one week each in every cycle (that is one week in every four week cycle) regardless of them having one or two of their kids in the lift club? Would the same apply if the family has more kids? Would they do rounds in proportion to the amount of kids they have in the lift club?

Accident with a bicycle

Q: Two months back, there was an accident from my car. I was turning my car from my street and suddenly the bike was hit by my car. The bike's speed was fast and my car was turning slowly. There was one little child and a man on that bike. The girl got bruised and the man fell on his chest. I took them to the hospital's emergency centre. Got their treatments and all tests done. The doctor showed me the X ray report that all was fine. I came back home and called them how were they feeling. They were fine. But two days back the guy's family called me that he has become handicapped now and operations need to be done. They asked me for money. I told them I didn't have enough money. So they started threatening and blackmailing me that they would file a case against me if I don't pay them money for his operation. They use fowl languages via text messages. Am really depressed. Please guide me what to do. Do I owe them money? Have I committed a sin?

Irregular bleeding after putting a loop

Q: I had the marina loop put in, in December last year. I bled continuously for about five months and thereafter I used to spot every other day or every few days. I used to count my period as 10 days and then count a 15 day clean period. I wanted to know if what I was doing is correct or should I have followed my habit that I had previously. I'm not completely sure what was my habit before exactly because sometimes I used have my period for 8, 9 or 10 days what should I do? Right now I spot every few days so how do I count my period?

Anal sex

Q: I have made a terrible mistake. I had sex with my wife from behind three times. I took an oath from Allah not to do it and still did it knowing it's wrong. I am very ashamed. Please tell me what to do as soon as possible. If I have to do kaffarah and what else for forgiveness.

Urine problem

Q: I am suffering from incontinence of urine most of the time. Although I am not a mazoor, today during jumaah prayer, I didn't feel any drop of urine coming out, there was no feeling in the private part of urine coming out. I continued my prayer and finished it. Is my prayer valid or not?

Zakaat on extra clothes and books


1. I want to ask that if Zakaat is compulsory on the clothes which are rarely used i.e This time almost everyone has wardrobes filled with clothes from which some are used and others are rarely in use. Is zakaat fradh on these clothes or not?

2. Same way I am used to buying different books like Islamic books, Sciencebooks and others and have a huge amount of books at my home. Is Zakaat fardh on these books?

Breaking an engagement

Q: I am a girl and I am engaged with my relative from 3 years back but now I don't find satisfaction in this relation. I also did istikhara. I asked to cancel the alliance. My relatives are upset for it. Do I have a right to cancel it according to Islam. Please reply.

Boundary of Muzdalifah and Mina

Q: The Saudi authorities have included a considerable area of Muzdalifah into Mina proper and named it as New Mina and they accommodate pilgrims in this area as if it is Mina proper. However many haajis returning from Arafat in Haj also spend the night here as for all practical reasons it is actually a part of Muzdalifah as per the boundaries that existed during Prophet's time. So does Wuquuf of Muzdalifah of these Hajees get fulfilled? And also then what is the status of haajis who are lodged here (New Mina) instead of within the actual boundaries of Mina as it existed during the Prophet (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam's) era.