
Q: I have 4 children, 3 daughters and 1 son. They all are small kids, elder daughter is 8 years, son is 6 years, another is 4 years the last daughter is 11 months only. Now I became pregnant again around 40 days. My children are all weak health wise. Their bones are weak. My son got 5 times fractures, daughter got 2 times fractures. Doctors said they have genetic problem. May I do abortion for this reason. Will it be a great sin? Please help me out, I don't want to anger Allah Subhanahu Ta'ala.

Becoming despondent

Q: I feel very disturbed right now. I know I havn't been sincere the whole time I was practicing deen and I have even had polluted intentions of practicing whole deen. From what I understand is that none of my ibaadat will get excepted except durroods. What can a person like me do in this situation. I know that I still need to obey Allah regardless but I feel very miserable right now and it is affecting my ibaadat. Please help.

Partnership problem

Q: Briefly, my dad and my uncle entered into a partnership, the business was for 60000, they only had to pay 12000 initially so they took out 6000 each and the balance 48000 because the shop had stock they would pay off by selling the goods in the shop, over some time my uncle took out his share of 6000 from the shop my father did not say anything, initially it was agreed one member of his family would stay with him on the shop, this went on for only a little while, less than a year and then none started turning up, my father was looking after the shop on his own, over period of 10 years the shop was not doing well, when I started helping my dad the wholesale business which it was initially was bad, I agreed with my father that we change the business and also terminate the so called partnership, I was new blood, we worked out capital in the business with the intention of paying off my uncle, this was in 2004 when my dad talked to him my uncle said don't worry well sort out, I more or less started from zero, bought hardware goods from another relative on credit and started changing the business into hardware, gradually alhamdulillah I started doing well, numerous times I called my uncle, so did my dad and my mum that we sort this matter out, my uncle always said, have I ever asked you for anything, do you think I will do injustice with u, don't worry well sort out, and always shrugged it off and I never forced him out of respect and his promise and also because over time he had become very very rich in his own businesses, over a period of 15 years neither my uncle nor his sons ever even entered the shop or asked anything or asked for dues etc. Even when I made a big loss which everyone in town got to know including them, they didn't even ask how and why, someone ran away with my money, even when I built buildings, bought cars, changed the name of the shop, not a single question alhamdulillah by the grace of Allah I started doing well, I and my younger brother and our wives worked day and night and Allah gave barakah and now all of a sudden my uncle has passed away and after all these years the sons are asking for a share, now the business is worth millions, my dad had retired more or less as soon as I changed the business from wholesale to hardware, everything that had gone well was with my brothers and my family effort and sweat, and by the will of Allah, not a single penny of input from my uncle or his sons, my mum phoned my uncle numerous times that we terminate the partnership, this was before I had started doing well and my uncle reply was the same, that why you worried, I won't take away anything from you etc, immediately after he suddenly passed away, the sons have come running for a share but didn't care about anything from 1978 to 2015, what do I do now, if they force me to give them half of everything I have which I did from my own effort and capital and Allah's will I will take my uncle to task on day of qiyamah because he did not tell his sons what he had told me, my mum and my dad. Please advise what I should do now?

Asking one's company to purchase a car on interest

Q: I am working in a private software company from the last 10 years and over the few years, my bonuses and some part of salary amounts are not received (approximately 6 lacs INR) from my Employer due to financial issues of the company. I trust my Employer and there are no issues there. However, it is difficult for my employer to pay me that much amount to me and as the current trend of company, if ever they have to pay, it will take at least 2-3 years for me to receive my money and that too in several installments, which will not be much use to me. So here is what I am planning. I wanted to ask my employer to buy a car for me (its current worth is 5.2 lacs). The employer can take it in form of EMI and can buy me the car, so that he can take care of paying monthly installments. But here, with EMI, the car amount will become 6 lacs (because of EMI, interests, etc).

1. Now if I take the car and consider that as payment for my 6 lacs amount, it looks like I have taken the interest, because my money went in buying the car as well as paying the interest amount. Is my understanding correct? Is there a way for me to execute the plan without me taking the interest?

2. Can I ask my employer to pay me remaining 80k (6 lacs - 5.2 lacs) separately. So even though the car costs 6 lacs (due to emi), the company takes care of the additional 80k. My money 5.2 lacs only goes towards the actual cost of the car and not towards interest. Is this correct way of asking company to take care of additional burden?

3. Is there any other alternative way?


Q: My father passed away and left two flats, a car and a large sum of money in a savings account through which my mother and sister (separated from her husband) finance their needs. My father left one flat in my mothers name and other in my sisters name. I have no other sibling. We are the only two daughters of my parents. The car is in my fathers name. The large sum is in the savings accounts that is on my sisters name. There is nothing left in my name. What do I inheret and how much among all this?


Q: My father passed away a week back. He was employed and earned a salary, however, side by side he also had his money deposited with the bank through regular income certificate (RICE) that earned them interest. He had put a large amount in the bank during his lifetime. On the safe side in case of his default, my mother and my sister (separated from her husband) along with her daughter can finance their means. Before, when my father used to earn I accepted all money that my mother used to give me as gifts, they used to give my daughters Eidi. Now that my mothers only way of financing their needs is the interest money that they receive on their deposit, is it permissible for me to accept all gifts and Eidi as I used to do before? Can I eat at their house? I am with my husband and quiet well off Alhamdulillah. My another question is that, we are the only two daughters of my parents. My sister is separated from her husband, she has one daughter, her husband finances none of her needs except her daughters school fee. I am quiet well off with my husband. My father did not write any will before his demise. Do I inherent the same amount of assets and money as my sister? In case my mother and my sister do not give me any part from my fathers inheritance is my father sinful for not distributing his wealth? And if I forgive all my part of inheritance by my will, can I save my father from the punishment of not distributing his wealth?


Q: My question is my eldest widow sister died issue less but inherited an amount and cash articles and related material like books, Almirahs, cot etc. What and how should it be distributed among my two sisters? Please reply.

Haraam relationship

Q: I am 15/16 years old. I have unfortunately fallen in love with my cousin. I don't know how it happened but it did. I tell myself that it's infatuation. I really don't know what to do. My thoughts are about him for more than 1/4 of the day. I hardly ever speak to him. Either way we don't generally communicate. We do if there's a need. I do unfortunately see him and there's no purda between us. I need help. I want to stop thinking about him. I am not in the position for marriage right now, I want to focus on my studies. I feel sad when I see him on social networks etc. and not following me back or liking other girls posts, tweets or pictures. etc. I hate myself so much for feeling like this. The thoughts come and I don't know what to do. Sometimes I literally bite my arm to stop my stupid mind. Please advise on what can I do? I am doing hifz and Aalimah. I can't believe how bad I've become.