Removing a poster from the musalla notice board

Q: The 'Al Baraka Bank' had put up a big poster on the note board of a Jamaat Khana. It was a job advertisement, supposedly aimed at the students attending a nearby university. Furthermore, this 'Al Baraka Bank' had hired out a lecture venue at the university. This is for any students wanting to ask questions about the possible career opportunities at the bank etc. The time they set aside for this was between 12:30 and 13:10. When I saw this poster, I was overcome with extreme anger and disgust. When the Jamaat Khana was completely empty, and no one to see me, I removed this poster, tore it up, and threw it in the bin. I am not a trustee of this Jamaat Khana nor do I have any position of authority. If I were to had initially report this poster to the trustees or the Imaam, they would not see anything wrong in this advertising and would not do anything. (1) Since I was not the owner of this evil poster, nor do I have any authority of the Jamaat Khana, was I permitted in discarding the poster? (2) If I acted incorrectly, please advise as to how I can remedy my action.

Making a bequest for a non-heir

Q: My mother passed away 35 years ago my father never remarried. I am his only son and have two elder sisters. My father passed away recently leaving a will which stated that all his household content is to be given to my elder sisters child which is his grandchild. This child also has the first option to buy his house at market price. He has 15 other grandchildren. This has split the family as a grandchild may not inherit from him. The money from the sale of his house is to be divided equally between his three children. Can you please give advise as to the right way things should be done.


Q: If a female who is menstruating makes a mistake and cannot pray the prayer of repentance so she repents in her heart by asking for forgiveness and saying sorry and at the end says ameen, does it count or do you have to read /say something a surah or something in the beginning as well?

Taking a false oath

Q: I have made a mistake and I don't know what to do. This morning my mom told me to eat my vitamins but I didn't want to because I have heard that those brand of pills might have something that might be derived from animal products. So I wanted to make sure before I took anymore but I have OCD and I doubt everything. So I didn't tell anyone. Today after school she told me that I didn't take them and she is always worried about my health and stuff so I lied and said I did know it was bad I just knew she would tell me to take some right away if I didn't and by accident I said I swear to god I did. I regretted it as soon as it came out. I didn't mean to and now I am very worried. I didn't want to say that it just came out. I feel so sorry but I don't know what to do. I am going to try to never say anything like that ever again and I will try to not lie about taking pills anymore. I am menstruating right now and so I can't do a prayer of repentance. I don't know what to do? I feel very bad about what I said. I will try my very hardest to never say it when I am lying ever again. What do I do. Please help. I am very worried.

Being involved in a haraam relationship

Q: I am a 37 year old woman and have been married for 18 years. I am not happy in my marriage and due to this I have pushed away my husband. We both live in one house like complete strangers. This has led me to have a relationship out of my marriage! I know this is gunaah but I have been with this man who I love dearly. I am stuck and feel very guilty for all that's happened but I can't leave this man. I feel I will die without him. This man has now married in my family with a close relative and says he will never leave me, but I know as well as you this is impossible. I feel stuck, hurt and upset. Please guide me. What should I do as I do not have any will power to walk away. I feel lost.