Performing Salaah in a place where there are pictures of animate objects

Q: If one does after performance of salaah find a picture that would make his salaah makruh, is it still makruh since he was unaware of the picture or forgot completely to  cover it when he commenced the salaah? and what if he was unaware when he commenced the salaah, but during salaah he saw the picture or remembered he forgot to cover a picture? I assume in such cases there is no karahaat.

إفتتاح جزء قليل من عورة الرجل في الصلاة

س: لو وقع أثناء الصلاة إفتتاح جزء قليل من عورة الرجل، مثلا في حالة السجدة تحرك قميصه، و أدى ذلك إلى إفتتاح جزء قليل من عورة الرجل، و لكنه وقع بغير العمد و في وقت قليل (مثلا أثناء السجدة فقط). هل في الحالة المذكورة الصلاة - صحيحة؟

Performing Salaah next to a person who has a picture of an animate object on his clothing

Q: When arranging the row for prayer I saw that one man had a trouser with a PUMA logo (animation of a jaguar) at the side of the leg, so I did not stand next to him, but I stood next to the person who was standing next to him so that this animated picture would be not visible to me. However when we stood up for the 2nd rakah the man was for some seconds still in the sajdah posture so I saw this animated picture. Did my salaah become makruh and must I repeat it?

Dreaming of building a Musjid

Q: I would like an interpretation of the following dream. In the dream I was walking past a small house next to which an extremely small marble and white stone mosque was half built. The height of this mosque was so that my chest was in line with its roof, also the minaret was not constructed as yet. Somehow, with the use of hands and the stone dust particles that were on the roof of the mosque, I managed to make the lower part of the minaret – thinking that I will assist whomsoever who was constructing the mosque and then leave. A white man then came from nearby and his wife was alongside him. His wife was white also and dressed in a hijab. The man greeted me with ‘Hello’, however I, realizing that he is the one building this mosque and also being a Muslim, I responded with ‘As salamualaikium.’ He did not follow the Sunnah way of dressing. For a very short while, we both were working on building this small mosque. Thereafter, he mentioned that he and his wife were Muslims living in Russia; however, a group of people forced them to leave the country due to their Islaam. He said he was building this mosque, as there was no masjid nearby. I told him that there actually was one further down the road and I encouraged him to come and rather read his salaah there. Unexpectedly, a loud gunshot was heard and the man fell to the floor. His wife pointed to a small crowd of people who weren’t wearing any shirts some distance away, saying that these are the same people that caused them to emigrate. His wife then ran away in fear. I lay on the floor next to the man and saw a bad gunshot wound on his chest, near his heart. He was still alive, however he was very close to death and his eyes were making jerking movements. I realised that the Angel of Death was removing his soul from him and I began to recite Surah Yasin, as I remember hearing that this will make death easier for him. As I began reciting Surah Yasin he grew in strength and he was not so close to death anymore. It also appeared to me that his gunshot wound had ‘moved’ from near his heart to his arm and I realized that he could possibly be now saved. I lifted him up and placed him over my shoulders and began carrying him to my school which was across the road from his mosque/home. (I attend a non-Muslim school, but my Biology teacher is a Muslim.) Everything was very chaotic as I carried him and left him with my biology teacher in her classroom - knowing that she will treat his wound. I hurriedly ran back out to go looking for his wife, but could not find her. I returned back to the classroom where my teacher said that his wife came and left. My teacher was applying medicine on his wound then. Also, she said that it was a very good idea to read Surah Yasin by him. The dream then ended.

Interest related question

Q: I am a security officer in Abu Dhabi. I have 3 questions:

A few days ago one of my friends told me that my boss's wife wants to sell her car, if you want to purchase it you can. I had a look at car and was interested to buy it but I could not arrange the money. The price is 5200 AED. When I was dealing that car one of my supervisor told me that he will pay and i'll return it on my salary. my salary came after 10 days. I said ok and he payed the same time. When the car was going to be transfered to my name again expense came to 1000 AED. I again took a loan from another friend. After that I am much worried that how can I return that money. One of my friend told me that take a loan from the bank they will give me one advance salary. I replyed to him no its sood. One day I was sitting on my post and a guy came to me, he asked me the way of a place and I guide him. At that time I was offering prayer. He become happy and told me that he will come tomarrow with a gift. Tomarrow he came with a bottle of water zam zam. I aked him to give me a slution about that. He asked me the bank name. I told him Dubai Islamic Bank. He told me no problem you can take becouse this money that you will pay as charges is going to charity that is not sood. After that I took advance salary and pay per month 100 AED as charges.

  1. Is this amont is sood? If yes then now what should I do to remove this mistake. I am very upset.
  2. I also have a personal insurance policy. is this also sood?
  3. Are National price bounds are aslo sood?