Some questions relating to Halaal & Haraam and eating at non-Muslim outlets


  1. Is it permissible to eat ONLY CHIPS at a restaurant that sells haraam meat?
  2. Some people ,when they eat at a restaurant then they lift up both their legs and they place both their legs on the chair and they sit by the table and chairs!!! A certain Mufti told us to sit in this way in Medina Munawarrah at one of the restaurants where he only bought chips and we only ate the chips with their sauces!!! 
  3. At which restaurants may a person eat in Port Elizabeth And Mayfair-Fordsburg?

Skype with a web-cam

Q: I wish to subscribe to Skype and utilise the services. Skype is a very cheap way of speaking to your friends and family throughout the world by means of the internet. However, if both sides have a webcam attached to the computer, then you can see each other live whilst talking. If I use this service to speak to only my mahrams or only to those people with whom conversation is allowed, will it be permissible?