Refusing medical treatment

Q: My sister suffers from severe menstrual pain therefore her parents wanted her to take HPR high dose but she kept it in the corner of her mouth but didn't swallow it.Her father double checked her mouth but didn't find anything miraculously. Her father then asked if she had swallowed it or if she was lying. She replied in the former answer which was not true. But she didn't swallow it and it decreased the Blood flow.Will it be considered a lie?

Cleaning urine water on the floor

Q: My question is that there was some urine on western toilet seat which I was washing off by pouring water on it however, some water went on the tiled floor. So I poured 3x amount of water on the floor all at once and wiped/soaked it with a sponge and then poured water on it again and soaked/wiped it with a sponge (did it for second time for the benifit of the doubt). At this point it was already clean but then I decided to mop the tiled floor with a mop. Please can you tell me if the floor is now pure or not? Should I do anything else?

Forcing a woman to work

Q: My husbands family forced me to work. My husband lives in Muscat and I am in India. Whatever they said is it right? In this situation what can I do, I am so confused I need your advice to take a right decision. Sometimes they hurt me.

Reciting duas in nafl salaah

Q: Can I read the following dua in my salaah? (Eg in sajdah, end of tashahhud)

توكلت على الحى الذى لا يموت الحمد لله لم يتخذ ولد و لم يكن له شريك فى الملك و لم يكن له ولى من ذل و كبره تكبيرا 

Boy not happy to get married to a girl his mother chose

Q: My mother has selected a bride for my elder brother. He is not happy with the skin color of the bride however the girl comes from a good family and has good character. But my elder brother is not happy as all his friends have beautiful wives. Please provide an explanation so that me, my mother and family can convince my brother. Is there any salah or ayah to offer and fill my brothers life with piece and love?

Assisting a non-mahram woman

Q: Is a brother (caller of Islam) obliged to continue helping a sister with disabilities if she has no one? She learns the deen through him instead of others. If the brother is choosing to not help her, will he be responsible before her in the Hereafter? He is choosing to not help her, because he cannot deal with her.