Doubts regarding hurmat-e-musaaharah

Q: If one is unsure if they touched lustfully or if it is waswaasas then does humrat take place? They had no desire for the person that they touched but when they shook the person's hands the thought came to mind that they touching lustfully even though they don't like the person and they felt funny. So they not 100% if they touched it lustfully or if its waswaasas.


Q: Is engagement allowed in Islam? Can we do engagement and then nikaah after a period of one year or more? Can we meet each other without performing nikaah. Is nikaah essential for making relationship with each other.

Travelling without a mahram

Q: Is it allowed for a lady to travel with her child of age one year for umra. Her husband is in Saudi Arabia and will be waiting in Jeddah airport for her and also will perform umra with her, but she will be alone in travelling from Pakistan to Saudi Arabia airport. I hear it is mandatory for her to have a mahram with her. My question is, is it ok for her to travel alone to Saudi and after that perform umra with her husband?

Sister encouraging her brothers to perform Salaah

Q: If elder sisters tell her brothers to offer prayers. Sometimes they offer and sometimes do not offer prayers on her advice. Her mother said that you make us (parents) sinners because we do not tell our sons to offer prayers in a right way and you tell them. Mother said that it is our duty to tell sons to offer prayers not yours (daughter). Mother said that I stop you to tell them to offer prayer. Now what should the daughter do? Can she tell them to offer prayer or obey her mother in this matter? She thinks that as she is elder from brothers she must ask them to offer prayer. Is her thinking right or not?

Haraam relationship

Q: I've been in a distance relationship for 1 year and 10th month. In two months it will be 2 years. Both of us are baaligh aqil and hanafi mazhab. My question is how can we make this relationship halaal? We know we won't stop talking to each other because we love each other so we want to make our relationship into halaal. My second question is he lives in different country which is India and he lives alone there because of his work. Woh na namaz ada karta h na roze rakhta h. The reason why I don't want to let him go is because I don't want him to go in wrong path and I feel that once he is with me he is not in wrong path. He is really nice man has pure heart but he doesn't offer his prayers nor he fast. What should I do to make him offers his prayers also keep his fasts? I'm worried about his akhirah more then mine. What should I do?


Q: For humrat one must touch the other lustfully. Lustfully means a strong sexual desire according to the english dictionary. According to islam does it mean the same thing? So if one does not have a strong sexual desire humrat does not take place even though two people touched each other by shaking hands?

Black magic

Q: What happens to a female who is a mother of a child aged 12 that continuously practices black magic on her ex-husband, friends and family. Is she exempted from the punishment of hell because she has a child to support? Is she exempted from any punishment in this world?