Urine drops problem in ihraam
Q: After urinating and taking taharah, some drops of urine drip out afterwards. If i am on Hajj or Umrah, how will I manage this problem?
Q: After urinating and taking taharah, some drops of urine drip out afterwards. If i am on Hajj or Umrah, how will I manage this problem?
Q: I wanted to know if when you leave your town to travel and you have your periods and only get paak when you reach your destination, e.g. you leave from Durban while you impure and only in Canada you become paak and make ghusal, is your Salaah their qasar or full Salaah?
Q: In the Hanafi Mazhab, is it permissible for the Imaam to recite qunoot-e-naazilah in all jahri Salaah or is it only permissible for him to recite it in Fajr Salaah?
Q: What is the sunnah way of holding the glass while drinking water-
a) With three fingers of the right hand
b) All five fingers of the right hand
Q: At what age should a child stop sleeping in the parent's bed with the parents?
Q: Is it a prescribed act to knock door to door to collect for charity?
Q: Is it allowed to do business (buy and sell) of...
1. Toys like dolls, soft toys, superhero statues, stickers and pictures of animals, etc.
2. Board games like carrom, snake and ladders, Ludington, etc.
Q: I go to an Islamic school. Every year they have a mandatory Quran competition. I am a Hafiz and will very likely get nominated alhamdulilah. However, I know that I should not participate because there is a monetary prize for winning. What should I do in this situation?
Q: Can one perform salaah with shoes on?
Q: Did Shaytaan speak to people? On what occasions? Why did that stop and shaytaan can not speak to people anymore?