Calling out Azaan in the qabrastaan
Q: Is it permissible to give Azaan in the qabrastaan e.g. inside the qabar or after burial?
Q: Is it permissible to give Azaan in the qabrastaan e.g. inside the qabar or after burial?
Q: If I shot an animal with the intention of eating it, but it died before slaughter, what should I do?
Q: What is the Sunnah method of making Istikhaara?
1. My question is regarding Halaal/Haraam status of ingredients. While I am doing some research on food products I found ingredient animal protein (like hydrolyzed animal protein, animal protein derivative,...etc). I wanted to know whether this ingredient is halaal or haraam?
2) Is there any app present to know the status of halaal or doubtful or haram of food products?
Q: So sad with cancer and side effects of surgery which is swelling to the hands. Can't really get on with my life. Over thinking about it everyday. Wishing life could be back to normal as it was before. Depressed most of the time. Nobody to talk to and feeling lonely.
Q: If I make Qurbaani in zilhijjah on behalf of Nabi paak صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم , then is it permissible for me to eat from it?
Q: I wanted to ask a question that is love marriage halaal or haraam in Islam? If a girl who is in proper Islamic dress watches you constantly and doesn't say anything, is it fine to ask her for marriage and is it ok to text once in a while the person you love before nikaah?
Q: Imaan is permissible to put as a name for a baby girl?
Q: I was wondering, was the description of the houris in the quran addressing the early arabs. I found this claim: Hence it is proved that the concept of “Maidens of Paradise” was also known in the pre-Islamic Arabia, especially among the Christians. The Qur’an, as is its style under normal circumstances, used the same words for the deliverance of its message, which were generally in vogue in the environment that it addressed. Since the idea of the Hereafter formed the cornerstone of the early Meccan preaching of the Qur’an therefore, to effectively make it preaching get across its addressees, it employed the same known word “hur” to describe the excellence of the reward for the righteous in the known Christian manner. This is further confirmed by the fact that it is only in the Meccan (and especially the chronologically early Meccan) Qur’anic passages in which the term “hur al-ayn” is used in sensual connotation. In the relevant Medinan Qur’anic passagesi.e., 2:25; 3:15; 4:57, we only find perfected counterparts/spouses (i.e., for both the righteous men and women). According to ulema, where quran verses using houris only addressing the early arabs?
Q: My son is studying in grade 6 in a boys class but all teachers are female. From grade 7 they are taught by male teachers as per school's rules. He is 12 years old. Please guide as to how can he avoid looking at female teachers in such a situation?