The name "Khubaib"
Q: Can you guide us to a better name for a boy from among these: Khubaib, Mutahir, Mohid, Mahad, Mahd, Aalee?
Q: Can you guide us to a better name for a boy from among these: Khubaib, Mutahir, Mohid, Mahad, Mahd, Aalee?
Q: My brother and I started a shop together 10 years ago. Everything has been done equally so far. If we now want to separate the partnership, can one brother buy the other brothers share by paying him 50% the amount of stock and fixtures and fittings? Please advise as to how this should be carried out.
Q: I have a question that whenever I am in a state of impurity like after semen ejaculation, can I touch objects like phone books etc? Like they won't become impure because if they become impure just by touching whenever I am in a state of impurity then how can I take a bath? Whenever I want to masturbate, I try to avoid it by doing wudhu, etc, reciting kalima but still I end up doing that. What should I do?
Q: After the fard prayer, some imams make dua in congregation while some do not. Some people say it is bida to raise the hands after fard prayer in congregation. But according to a hadith I read, after fard prayer, it is one of the best time to make dua. So, according to Sunnah, what should be done after fard prayer?
Q: Is it permissible in Islam to do facials?
Q: Girl's choice in marriage is final though violating other family and status equality as given in fiqh of marriage. Allah orders children not to cause grievous hurt to the heart of parents. Allah says, he does not delay punishment to such children in this very world. So how can such marriages be happy? Is not the marriage with the approval of both the girl and her parents more meritorious and rewarding? And are parents entitled to say to the girl that if she's bent upon her own choice, she should do it without parents taking any part in it as they aren't accepting her choice?
Q: What is Yaseen Mubeen? Did the Prophet (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) practise this? How is it performed?
Q: I adopted Islam three years back and have married a Muslim man. I want to know issues related to zakaat. I own a house and land which I purchased when I was a Hindu and was married to a Hindu man but after his death I married a Muslim man and adopted Islam. Is zakaat waajib on this property?
I am also looking after financially my husband's first wife and his children who live in a separate house. Almost half of my salary is spent on them every month as my husband is not financially sound. I want to know that is zakaat waajib on my monthly income?
Q: After fard prayer, do you have to send salutation on Muhammad (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) by reading the durood shareef? Every masjid do that but when I am doing research, in no place it is mentioned that after fard prayer, you have to send blessings on Muhammad (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) (i.e Allahumma swaliraswayyidinamuhammadinwwaralaalimuhammadinwwabaarikwasallim)? Or is it that they do this because they make the congregational dua after that because durood should be recited before making dua? According to my knowledge, after fard prayer, you have to read ayat ul kursi, tasbeen e fatihi and make your own dua and some but this recitation of durood is confusing.
Q: It is permissible to listen to Qur'an tarjuma or tafseer on mobile phone without wudhu?