Irregular bleeding

Q: My haidh is very irregular, so much so that it is extremely difficult to calculate it correctly. When I am not sure as to whether I am experiencing haidh or istihaza, should I continue reading namaaz till I am certain?

Marital problems

Q: I have a question regarding some issues with my husband which I have raised with him but which he fails to address. For starters my husband D has had no intimate attraction towards me since marriage, he is capable of going through at least 2 weeks on end with no worry, he claims he is not like other men who only want women for one thing, yet I feel so unattractive as he always admires other women but barely complements me unless I'm upset. Secondly he never speaks to me about his day or confides in me he only speaks to his mother, he will lie in bed or sit with me and sms her and when we visit her he will start talking non stop to her. If I ask him why he does this he says I must find out one time when he is telling her I can hear or sometimes he says I was talking so he couldn't tell me, but what about all they sms each other. I have started being quiet as I am talkative to see if it makes a difference, but all he does is play on his phone and go to sleep not talk to me. I long to see him, I look forward to meeting him, knowing how his day has been and in the end it's an effort for him to interact with me. We have only been married 2 years and now have a child but this marriage is really unfulfilling and depressing. He always does what his mother wants, never asks me what I want, if I have plans or anything as such it's like I don't exist. Please don't get me wrong, I have no problem with him doing for his mother but what are my rights and options, am I meant to go on miserably like this? Please advise.

Marital problems

Q: I am recently finding myself getting further away from Allah. One year ago I was going through some difficulties and I must admit though at the time it was not a good time for me, it was also the best as I was the closest to Allah I have ever been. Once Allah accepted my Duas and things settled for me and my life has been at ease, I find myself going back to some old habits and even though I am reading my five Salaah and Nafl salaah, I am feeling very distant from Allah. I also find myself very discontent with what I have been blessed with. These were the things I prayed for and made sabr for, but now that I have it I want more. I want more materialistically. This is causing tension between my husband and I. I know it is wrong. I have so much to be thankful for yet I want more and more. I keep asking Allah to make my heart content with all these blessings. I feel bad because only when I really need something do I spend more time on the musallah. The distance from Allah got worse when I started working. I was too tired to read Quran and found myself being too tired to wake up for Tahajjud. I left my job due to other reasons. Alhamdulilah I dont have to work as it is not about money but more so that I dont feel like a sit at home housewife. I also find myself comparing myself to others lifestyles and feel that since this and that person are working then I need to be working too. When I am working I want to be at home, when I am home I want to work. My hear really is so restless in all these things. When I am home all I do is watch TV. I tried getting into the local taleem classes but no one is interested. What adds to it is that I am living overseas away from my family so I get bored and my husband does not want to have children now despite being married for 5 years as he says he wants to travel more. I really want to have kids. Please can you give me a dua to read for contentment of the heart and to help soften my husbands feelings and thoughts on having kids.

Female circumcision

Q: From your previous questions and answers I understand that female circumcision is a recommended act. I also understand that there are four different types of circumcision, which of these should be practised?

1) Removal of the clitoral hood

2) The complete removal of the clitoral glans and clitoral hood

3) The complete or partial removal of the inner labia, with or without removal of the clitoral glans and outer labia.

4) A deep incision is made rapidly on either side from the root of the clitoris to the fourchette and a single cut of the razor excises the clitoris and both the labia majora and labia minora. The clitoral glans is removed, after this the labia are removed. A single hole of 2–3 mm is left for the passage of urine and menstrual fluid by inserting something, such as a twig, into the wound.The vulva is closed with surgical thread.

Wet dream

Q: I want to ask you that most of the time I se non-mahrams in my dreams and feel wetness. Maybe this wetness is due to sweating or discharge. Also I don't see any erotic activity, arousing or any orgasm. This is like normal dream. Because I saw males in dream and feel wetness, so ghusl is fardh on me?

Irregular bleeding due to taking a pill

Q: A sister spotted first day (Thursday night) then immediately took the pill. She did not spot at all for 6 days. She had forgotten to take the pill at lunch time on Wednesday and then she spotted immediately. She then took the pill she had forgotten to take and the spotting stopped. Is the 6 days her haidh days? Can she make ghusal and read Salaah as she is clean now? She leaves for home on Saturday after which she will stop the pill and this will start her proper bleeding. So which days are her haidh days? Does the first six days which are tuhr are they haidh days or after she stops the pills are those haidh days?